The following prizes will be awarded:
Category A- work for choir
1st Prize: 2.500 Euro First performance in Gdańsk (Poland) by the Polski Chór Kameralny directed by Jan Łukaszewski; further performance in Vilnius by the Municipal Choir “Jauna Muzika” directed by Vaclovas Augustinas.
2nd Prize: 2.000 Euro First performance in Gdańsk (Poland) by the Polski Chór Kameralny directed by Jan Łukaszewski; further performance in Vilnius by the Municipal Choir “Jauna Muzika” directed by Vaclovas Augustinas.
3rd Prize: 1.000 Euro First performance in Gdańsk (Poland) by the Polski Chór Kameralny directed by Jan Łukaszewski; further performance in Vilnius by the Municipal Choir “Jauna Muzika” directed by Vaclovas Augustinas.
1.000 Euro Special Prize of General Consul of Republic of Poland for the best Polish composer
Category B- Liturgical piece for choir (and organ)
1st Prize: 2.000 Euro First performance during the „Musica Sacra Nova” Festival in Brauweiler (Germany).
2nd Prize: 1.500 Euro First performance during the „Musica Sacra Nova” Festival in Brauweiler (Germany).
3rd Prize: 1.000 Euro First performance during the „Musica Sacra Nova” Festival in Brauweiler (Germany).
Additional Prize
In case of ex-aequo, the prize will be split in two parts. The Jury reserves the right not to award a prize. The decision of the Jury is final.